Sacia Olonala



Race: half-elf


Occupation: healer/ mystic



Half-elves are pretty common in many works in fiction, and, although they come in many different forms, they often share a few similarities. They're usually the offspring of humans and elves, and are often shunned or otherwise treated as lesser beings by both sides. They also tend to embody the best features of both sides, usually in the form of elvish beauty, elvish agility, and often longer lifespans, as well as human curiosity, human determination, and human strength. [kudos - fantasynamegenerator]


Born of an elven healer mother, and a human solider father. She is an only child. 

Her mother passed away when she was a child, and her father is always off fighting some war or just keeping close to the castle, she herself lives in the elven village off in the woods. She often wanders the forest to check on the spirits and purify any 'evil' spirits. She is gifted as a healer, like her mother, but due to her half-blood most elves within the village look down on the young girl. Like some elves, she fears humans and tries to avoid them., not knowing whether or not they're a threat. 


