
Age: 15

Gender: M
Personality: --
Affiliation: Easter/ other (if breaking away from anime)


Like(s): unknown
Dislike(s): hurting people for the sake of the company
Crush(s): --
Friend(s): --
Hobbie(s): this young boy likes to read in his spare time
Fear(s): losing his dream
Weakness: unknown
Enemies: the guardians of Seiyo Academy

Life Long dream/Goal:
Favorite Class:
Most Hated Class:


Favorite Food(s):
Favorite Color(s):
Favorite Season(s):
Favorite Guardian: --


Parent(s): unknown
Sibling(s): only child
Relative(s): unknown
Pet(s): --


Guardian Chara(s): unknown
Guardian Chara(s) Appearance: --
Guardian Chara(s) Personality(ies): --
Guardian Chara(s) Born From: Kuro's chara was born from his wish to be strong enough to stand up for others, the few people he cares about.


Guardian Character(s) Abilities/Powers: unknown
Appearace In Guardian Character(s) Form: unknown
Guardian Character(s) Personality(ies): unknown
Extra: His egg was taken from him when the company he's bound to noticed that his character was changing, and they found out that he was becoming less obedient.



Bio:Kuro was brought into Eater corp. after the several failures of bringing the embryo to the boss, when they were using Ikuto and his sister, Utau. Kuro was 'recruited' as a boy with no dreams, only a motive. What that motive is, no one really knows- but they manage to manipulate his motive into helping them create 'X eggs'. He is a student at Seiyo Academy, keeping his distance from others and doesn't really pay his lessons much mind. School is just an obstetrical in his mind, and a way to the Easter corp. with finding the embryo before the Guardians. 


(breaking away from the anime)

A tool used by the boss of a company much like Eater corp. He's an orphan who the boss took in and promised him that he would never have to worry again with him by his side. He trusts the boss and will do anything for him. Even if it means sucking the dreams out of people's souls. Until he gives brith to a chara himself.. Then his boss uses that to manipulate the boy into staying with him.